2012년 8월 18일 토요일

The Cosmological Structures in Chinese: the Blind Watch-Maker?

The Cosmological Structures in Chinese Characers:
the Blind Watch-Maker?

By Jay Lee

1. The Topological Spaces in the Universe

In physical science, it is possible that the Universe consists of the three phases, or aspects: the black hole, the while hole, and the worm hole. The likelihood of a blackhole was espoused by the famous scientist Albert Einstein; one of the implications of his theory General Relativity is "the existence of black hoels — regions of space in which space and time are distorted in such a way that nothing, not even light, can escape — as an end-state for massive start."(Wikipedia. 2012. General Relativity)

    *source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spacetime_curvature.png

Also, the term wormhole is a hypothetical topological trait of spacetime, a "shortcut" through spacetime. In spite of the absence of observational evidence for wormholes, on a theoretical level there are valid solutions to the equations of the theory of general relativity which contain wormholes.

Wikipedia(2012.wormhole) explains the concept of wormhole as follows:

Wormholes are traversable connections between two universes or between two distant regions of the same universe. The wormhole shown here connects the place in front of the physical institutes of Tübingen university with the sand dunes near Boulogne sur Mer in the north of France. The image is calculated with 4D raytracing in the Morris Thorne wormhole metric ds^2 = -dt^2 + dl^2 + (b_0^2+l^2)(d\theta^2 + \sin^2 \theta d\phi^2), b_0 = throat radius.
Deutsch: Wurmloch: Wurmlöcher sind durchquerbare Verbindungen zwischen zwei Universen oder zwischen zwei entfernten Regionen eines Universums. Das hier gezeigte Wurmloch verbindet den Vorplatz vor den Gebäuden der physikalischen Institute der Universität Tübingen mit den Sanddünen in der Nähe von Boulogne sur Mer im Norden Frankreichs. Das Bild ist mit vierdimensionalem Raytracing in der Morris-Thorne-Wurmlochmetrik ds^2 = -dt^2 + dl^2 + (b_0^2+l^2)(d\theta^2 + \sin^2 \theta d\phi^2), b_0 = Schlundradius berechnet. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wurmloch.jpg)

2. The Typological Universe in Chinese Characters
Surprisingly enough, the typological traits of Chinese characters are extremely similar to topological attritubes of the Universe.

The Black Hole
The Worm Hole
The White Hole

Actually, Chinese letters consist of two varieties: a verticla type vs. a rhombus type. The former one include characters like 凹, 凸, 一, 丨, 丫, 个, 中, 串, 患, 丰, 豐, 十, 囚, 日, 王, 大, 小, 丵, 雨, 山, 傘, 率, 八, 圭, 口, 品, 器, etc.

[Picture 1: The Verticla Perspective]

The second one starts its perspective from the left to the right, as shown in characters such as 斤, 丘, 邱, 左, 右, 丯, 弓, etc.1)

[Picture 2: The Rhombus Perspective]

One of my hypotheses is that there might be a super-engineer, or Godess, whose female visual aspects greatly influenced what virtually all Chinese characters are like, and that her linguistic world has been and will continue to be equivalent to the real physical universe; her cognitive-visual universe is comprised of three main domains: the black hole, the worm hole, and the whitel hole. The problem is that the famale divine lingua could hardly see the world. Contrary to our common misunderstanding, however, the dark side can watch the bright side much better, not vice versa.

1) Approximately half of Chinese characters starts their vigilant investigations from the dark side(the left) to the bright side(the right).

The conclusion: the "presumably blind" watch-maker was not blind, but sharp-eyed. Conversely, her stance or intention could not easily revealed by the outer watchers in the bright side, or the while hole, just as you find it extremely hard to look into a dark room. Now, it is time to start our intelligent or analytical space trip to find her own unique "intentionality."

3. Oh, my God! Godess was left-handed! 

If a linguistic version of the Chinese Universe is similar to the Physical Universe, then the language needs to be left-handed, or prejudiced. Why? The Universe is left-handed.2)

2) When Wolfgang Pauli heard the resutl of the study by 楊振寧 and 李政道, his remark was very simple. "Ooops! God was left-handed?"

Left-handers face a number of challenges in this right-handed world. The predeliction for "righteousness" is often attributed to the fact that most humans lateralize language utilization in the brain’s left hemisphere - where the right part of the body is controlled, or even dominated. Then, the owner of the left hemisphere of the brain, or a female super-engineer, needs to be lefthanded, or sinister.

The linguistic or at least typological fact that Chinese characters are "memesis" of the physically unbalanced universe can be seen in the letter '屮'(cǎo. bloom or bud). The meaning of a bud is somewhat related to the notion of the Big Bang, the creation of life and things(stuff); the flower starts its life from a bud. Accidentally or unaccidentally, another meaning of '屮'(a bud) is left-handed. The starting point(屮.a bud) displays its[her] preference for the left(屮. the left). What a coincidence!

3-1. The Introspective Letters

Now, it is advisable to introspect the Bedeutung '口'(kǒu. a hole) more analytically before furthering the study of the "biased" view of the Chinese characters. Other Chinese Bedeutungs are '凵' and '冂'; '凵' is a introspective version of the letter '口', while '冂' is its extrospective edition.

. The letter '凵' is the inner-opening and produces the word '屮', coupled with the letter '丨''.

3-2. The Extrospective Letters

ⓒ Copyright by Jay Lee (neogrammar@naver.com). All rights reserved.

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